Monday, October 1, 2007

Why its maps of course

I remember talking with Bela Hatvany back in 1994 about the future of the digital publishing industry. I was planning to leave the company at the time and being the type of person that I am I asked him for his digital tip for the future. “I think that if I was starting out now “he said, “I would do something with maps. Now like all youth I didn’t listen, busy as I was with about a dozen different things, moving country, having children etc. Yet again he was right see Nokia buys Navteq

1 comment:

Bela Blog said...

Turned out to be a good insite! Not a hard one. Maps are good indexing mechanisms. They are beginning to realize that promise.
I was wondering what I would say to Liam today. I think it would be something like..
"Enable individuals to experience the benefits of being in community". this opens up a lot of commercial and non commercial possibilities