Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Performance Enhancement & web 2.0

Performance support is something that has been on my mind lately. A number of clients I work with would like to achieve a “do more with same staff” culture given changes in budgets and economic conditions.

This lead to discussions about how systems can do more to support performance and exist to coach staff on areas that may be beyond their original areas of expertise. It’s the type of thing that is beyond the scope of formal LMS applications or the simplistic approach of a FAQ or WIKI.

We think a combination of twitters, tweets, blogs and blended learning tools would do the trick. Twitter to find an expert, tweet to answer the question, rapid blended learning tools to reinforce the experience learning or follow up. The results are then managed and used as part of the organizations corporate knowledge or formalized into ongoing training.

Anybody out there doing anything similar?

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